With gusts beyond 20 mph, Easter Sunday was a big day on the Potomac for the mighty Chalupa.
Karen drove the boat in some of the heaviest shots and did a terrific job as the puffs shoved the M16 up and down the river.
This was no day for the faint of heart, with wind shifts of 90 degrees swinging between north and west. As the wind built into the early afternoon, a wall of westerlies kept us tacking quickly going up the channel. We left both boards halfway down so the quick tacks were not delayed by swinging bilgeboards. It can be a bit slower, but helps a lot in tight maneuvering.

Our friends the bald eagles continue to build their nest in the channel where an Osprey family hatched last year.
Our top speed was 9.5 knots…Karen was all smiles after landing the valiant Chalupa.