Bouncing across chop, the scow fleet encircled the Pride of Baltimore II and let fly with all manner of invective. How dare this privateer ply the Potomac! Every scallywag with half a halyard knows the British merchant marine is already claimed by Whistlebritches, Chalupa and the soon-to-be-named Melges.
The bow guns rolled to the ports but no fuse was lit as the Melges slid under the sprit of the hulking, wooden sirenia.
The “Pride” puttered under power up the Anacostia to lick egos on the flydeck, whilst the scows continued to pirate and pillage the Potomac…
Those bow guns are no match for the nimble melges!
Love this photo…
She even looks fast under power, heading into the wind.
The windward sheeting traveler is a genuine innovation. We installed one on the Melges and it is a joy!
Scow sailors note: this is how the horizon should look when heeled up for speed
Sheeting out a bit is a good way to handle puffs…but more vang would boom down.
The boats look pretty
A few more tacks before coming home…
Henry prepares to turn upwind and kiss the dock as Karen readies the painter for a throw.