All posts by Uffdah!

Yards Park is a Happening

The Anacostia is a dusty ol’ river, but no one is joking about it any longer.  With a world class ballpark, condos and restaurants, it is as close to a “scene” as Washington gets.  Friday nights, the Yards Park is swinging with hipsters at the outdoor concert seriees.  July 5 saw an invasion of scows.  Tim had his boat out.  Brian was driving Guacamole with Kathy trimming.  And Steve and Karen made Whistlebritches scoot.  Two  PERF boats arrived.  Bill Davenport dropped anchor near the USS Barry and started playing his Jimmy Buffet loop whilst that new Beneteau First Twenty tied up alongside.  Nice night for sailing too, with a solid 12 knots until dusk.