This OSP weighs only 597 lbs and is as stiff as the day it came out of the mould. Anyone who knows these boats, knows the OSP was a lamination marvel. The OSP boats carried an X-Brace bulkhead surrounding the mastwell, creating one of the most rigid internal bracing possible. The OSP folks were working with the Johnson M20 mould, which is pristine.
Go-fast amenities include carbon mast, carbon sprit and new running rigging. Leave your questions below and we will get back to you. But don’t delay…this boat is a steal at this price.
spinnaker run
Tim and Crew Hike!
That OSP sure glides well
David had that crew at the leeward deck heeling like mad!
Tim and Bradon on the OSP
Carie, Jason and Stew power 806 to the finish!
The OSP was driving with David G., Dijon and David V. on the lee rail
This boat from Indiana and sold at a price you wont see again. There are only 20 or so Johnson I20s out there and almost all are solid boats. This is Johnson Hull 647. Congratulations Andy…you got a winner!
Winds at 12-18knts and lots of water. August 25 was about as good as it gets in scowsailing. Rehoboth Bay offers mile-long spinnaker runs, sandy beaches and a club house at Rehoboth Bay Sailing Association with spectacular, 360-degree views. Continue reading Salty weekend at Rehoboth Bay→
W.E.S.T Epoxy M Scow for sale. This boat was built by master boat builder Bob Pagel. He built only two boats in this class. He was married to Jane Pagel who was a Rolex sailor of the year. Boat was built in 1977. Continue reading W.E.S.T Epoxy M Scow-SOLD!→
Joe Ewing from Indian Lake, Ohio won all six races during two fantastic days of sailing on the Potomac River. Indian Lake compatriots Brook Patten and Jeff Patten finished second and third overall.
Eight boats sailed the race, that opened April 29 in a humble southwest breeze that gained voice rapidly, topping out at a steady 15 knots. Two boats were knocked down by strong gusts measuring20 knots at adjacent Reagan National Airport. The swimmers were Jeff Patten’s 20 Something and the Potomac’s Tim Dickson. Sunday was lighter, reaching only 10 knots from the northeast, but with some sharp shifts to the east that pushed over Firewater, with Rick Loheed of St. Mary’s at the helm.