All posts by Uffdah!

REhoboth Bay Inland20-Lightning REgatta: CANCELled

This year’s event has been cancelled due to low registration.

Many sailors are opting for long overdue family vacations and we fully support that. For anyone out there who was still considering this event… join us next year!

For anyone who has not sailed Rehoboth Bay, this large inland bay is just a few hundred feet from the ocean and offers some of the most reliable winds to be found in late summer.

Click here for the Notice of Race. This event is co-hosted by the Rehoboth Bay Sailing Association and the inland20 scow fleet of the Potomac River.

1988 Johnson J Scow: Sold

This lovely boat has seen little or no use in the past 10 years and the owner says it’s time to find someone who will sail it! The boat in the pictures look red, but it is actually orange. Comes with trailer and one sail. There is paperwork on the boat and trailer. Boat is located in Iowa. Submit your info in the form below. More photos at this link. The J scow is a close cousin of the MC Scow.

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